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Data Breach Security

Cyber Security Explained

Our Services / Cyber Security Services

Business cyber security responsibilities in Australia.

Every organisation has the critical responsibility to protect their own corporate data containing sensitive personal information. In doing so, they must also protect the handling of their customer and partner data.

Personal information (PI) is information about an identified person or someone who is reasonably identifiable. Information that is not about an individual on its own may become PI when it is combined with other information resulting in an individual becoming ‘reasonably identifiable’.

A data breach constitutes personal information that an entity holds being subject to unauthorised access or disclosure, or even data loss. It may be caused by malicious action, human error, or a failure in information handling or security systems.

Ways our cyber security team can help improve your security posture

In addition to our cyber security services, that form the security foundation of our managed IT Services, Epic IT provide additional cyber security services such as these below.

Cyber Security Training

Our team will deliver “always on” cyber security awareness training to your staff. Targeted campaigns using machine learning (artificial intelligence) to deliver simulated attacks and reporting.

Click to read more about our cyber security training services.

IT Security Penetration Testing

Our cyber team will is granted permission by the customer to ethically hack, test and identify potential vulnerabilities within their IT system. The team will document the entire testing process and provide the customer with a detailed security report.

Click to read more about our IT security penetration testing services.

Cyber Security Compliance

Lack of cyber security compliance will expose your company to cyber attack or breach, and in some cases, could even inhibit growth.

Our cyber security experts have helped many businesses improve their cyber security posture. In the same way, our team can also work with your organisation to achieve cyber security compliance.

Click to read more about our cyber security compliance services.

speak to our team on 08 9228 2945 and get to work on your cyber security today

Cyber attacks behind most reported data breaches.

According to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC), in Q3 of 2018, over half of data breaches reported were a result of malicious cyber attacks. Results below.

Human error

Malicious attacks

System faults

What constitutes a malicious cyber attack?

A malicious or criminal attack deliberately crafted to exploit known vulnerabilities for some kind of gain be it financial or other. So unlike human error and system faults, a malicious cyber attack is an intended action to create a data breach situation.

Email phishing

Phishing attacks accounted for over 50% of malicious attacks. Involved users being tricked into disclosing sensitive information such as usernames, passwords and credit card details by cleverly disguised emails posing as trustworthy entities.


Short for “Malicious Software”, malware are small computer programs design to infiltrate your computer system. Malware is a term commonly used to group these programs such as (but not limited to) viruses, spyware, worms, trojans etc.


A form of malware that will block access or threatens information disclosure if a ransom is not paid. Generally associated with the common crypto locker cyber attacks which have become all too common with victims frequently featured in the media.

Brute-force attack

One of the most common methods to gain access to anything that is password protected such as an email or cloud account by using various combinations of usernames and passwords until successful.

Social engineering

A more modern attack vector relying on human interaction and often involves manipulating and tricking people into breaking normal security practices in order to gain access to systems.

Rogue employee

Current or ex-staff member failing to comply with organisation rules and policies. The rogue worker might cause malicious damage such as mass file deletion or corruption to the ICT system.

What is human error?

Human error is when no malicious component is present, and the breach is a direct result of an accidental human mistake from staff, weak processes etc. Some of these breaches may include:

Unauthorised disclosure

When data containing private information is disclosed to the incorrect recipient by error or incorrect process. Such as unknowingly emailing sensitive PI such as TFN or credit card details.

Failure to use BCC

Common error when emailing large groups of recipients when the blind carbon copy (BCC) is not used, revealing personal email addresses and names to the entire group.

Incorrect recipient

Accidental disclosure by addressing an email or letter containing sensitive PI to the incorrect recipient that is not authorised to view that information.

Loss of data

Human error when data is lost through accidental deletion or data being left in an unauthorised environment for others to see or access.

Protecting against common cyber security threats.

Our cyber security solutions will mitigate various malicious and human threats, and even cover some aspects of system error. By blocking, alerting or warning both the user and our security team of these threats in real time, your organisation has a much better chance of reducing its risk of data breach.

Our security team fully manages the system, and the customer will receive interactive reporting straight to their device.

Have a chat to our team on .. 08 9228 2945

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