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Cyber Security PEN Testing

IT Security Penetration Testing

Our Services / Cyber Security Services

What is IT Security Penetration Testing ?

IT security penetration testing, also known as “PEN Testing” is a process used to test the defences of an IT system. PEN tests play a key role in maintaining and better securing your IP, network, physical, cloud or even the less tangible social and cultural aspects of your cyber security.

More recently, many Australian companies have been exposed to social and cultural security vulnerabilities. Our team can help develop your company’s culture to ensure that while technology is still crucial, cyber security is now the responsibility of everyone playing their role. Through policy, process, role definition, training and awareness, Epic IT can help your organisation make this change.

Our PEN testing process

During a PEN test, our cyber security team is granted permission by the customer to ethically hack, test and identify potential vulnerabilities within their IT system. The team will document the entire testing process and provide the customer with a detailed security report. This information is then used to further protect the IT system from threats that were uncovered during the test.

Our cyber security team is available to help mitigate these threats. If the customer is not a managed (MSA) partner, we can work with the existing IT professionals of the customer to implement the recommendations of the report.

IT Penetration Testing Process

Benefits of IT Security Penetration testing

Below we break down the key benefits of conducting either one off or recurring pentetration testing programs.


A PEN test is an opportunity to review and analyse the security posture of your IT system. The thorough review will shine a light on your company’s ability to defend your applications, systems, networks, endpoints and users from external and internal threats to cyber security.

The simulated testing process exposes vulnerabilities and attack methods that could potentially be used against your company in a coordinated cyber attack. This will enable you to strengthen your security measures and develop tactics and tools to prevent or mitigate such an attack. It is also a chance to review and potentially redirect your IT budget and expenditure in terms of cyber security.


According to ACSC (Australian Cyber Security Centre), cyber crime cost Australian companies more than $33 billion in the 2020 / 2021 financial year.

A single cyber breach could not only lead to financial loss through fraud or theft, but also add to financial pain through loss of business and revenue, remediation fees, legal fees, along with potential penalties and fines for non-compliance or even negligence.

A damaged image and reputation due to a cyber breach could have further financial implications due to contract, sponsorship cancellations or withdrawals of other forms of funding.


A breach of cyber security could signal the end of a long-term partnership. Companies that cannot demonstrate they are taking actions and prevention steps to ensure their data and systems are well protected will begin to lose the trust and confidence of their clients, partners and other third party relationships.

A tightly integrated partnership is only as strong as its weakest link. Regular PEN testing throughout your IT system ensures your company is not identified as this weak link, which could potentially end an important relationship.


You only have to turn on the TV to see how cyber security breaches affect the reputation of many Australian businesses and organisations.

It takes years of hard work to build a solid reputation. But it can take a single event overnight to undo. A breach of cyber security could mean the difference between maintaining, renewing or securing a new partnership.

The destructive consequences of a cyber security breach can take years to repair and will hurt financially. Scheduling regular IT penetration tests and taking the right mitigation steps to avert these events can prevent such outcomes.


Up to recently, compliance alone was one of the biggest drivers for regular IT PEN tests. While there are many other reasons to conduct regular PEN testing, compliance still serves as one that could inhibit the growth or continuation of your operations if it is not met.

Compliance with the right cyber security standards in your industry could mean tendering and winning lucrative contracts, or in more extreme cases continuing to operate legally in certain capacities.

Epic IT can work with your company to achieve IT security compliance levels, such as the NIST and Australian Essential Eight (maturity levels 0 to 3) frameworks.

Click to learn more about cyber security compliance.


You may already have noticed that cyber security has become a major topic of conversation during your insurance renewals. And for good reason.

Insurance companies are becoming more diligent and calculated when assessing your company’s risk levels of security breaches. Insurance companies will now limit cover or charge a much higher premium to cover financial losses or business continuity if your organisation cannot demonstrate a strong posture in cyber security.

Regular PEN tests play a key role in a comprehensive cyber security plan. One that will affect your insurance policy on many levels now and in the future.

Getting started is easy. Identify your key cyber security goals and call our team today on 08 9228 2945. we will do the rest.

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